Our History
Meadow Swim & Tennis Club was founded in 1955 and the pool opened in August 1956. We installed a gorgeous new pool in 2008 and remodeled our clubhouse in 2015.
Our Board of Directors
Meadow's Board of Directors is made up of a dedicated group of volunteers.
Club President
Wes Ellins
Heads up the Meadow Swim and Tennis Club board and supervises all business and affairs of the club (including strategy, oversight, and accountability)
Heads up the Meadow Swim and Tennis Club board and supervises all business and affairs of the club (including strategy, oversight, and accountability)
Charles Bohlig
Prepares a proposed budget for consideration by the board, including appropriate reserves for capital improvements and repairs, and effects collections and deposits of money due the club
Prepares a proposed budget for consideration by the board, including appropriate reserves for capital improvements and repairs, and effects collections and deposits of money due the club
David Parker
Supervises and supports the Club Manager in their responsibilities around pool, tennis, and the club's physical plan
Supervises and supports the Club Manager in their responsibilities around pool, tennis, and the club's physical plan
Buildings and Grounds
Open Position buildingsandgrounds@meadowswimandtennis.com
Supervises and, when appropriate, conducts the maintenance and repairs of the buildings and grounds
Vice President
Dario Ambrosini
Performs the duties of the President during his/her absence, and carries out the duties of Secretary and Parliamentarian at all board meetings
Performs the duties of the President during his/her absence, and carries out the duties of Secretary and Parliamentarian at all board meetings
Erin Kriese
Oversees the purchase of new memberships, and the sale of existing memberships
Oversees the purchase of new memberships, and the sale of existing memberships
Laura Krohn
Sends out the club newsletter and maintains both the club's private and public websites
Sends out the club newsletter and maintains both the club's private and public websites
Swim Chair
Natalie Byrum and Erin Kriese
Supports the swim coaching staff who offer lessons and clinics throughout the season as well as coordinates the summer swim team activities and meet schedule
Supports the swim coaching staff who offer lessons and clinics throughout the season as well as coordinates the summer swim team activities and meet schedule
Tennis Chair
John Abruzzo
Oversees the maintenance of the tennis facilities, advises the board of needed repairs, and coordinates organized adult tennis activities
Oversees the maintenance of the tennis facilities, advises the board of needed repairs, and coordinates organized adult tennis activities
Junior Tennis Chair
Christine Treveloni
Oversees and coordinates all junior tennis activities.
Oversees and coordinates all junior tennis activities.
Club Manager
René Monday
Ensures pool operations, clubhouse, and tennis facilities are running smoothly and in good repair. Maintains the tennis court reservation system and helps with our youth tennis program.