Registration Step-by-Step

On February 25th at 9:00 AM please visit

  • Step 1: Create a Login.
  • Step 2: Click on the Register Tab and set up your profile in Contact Information, Be sure to scroll to the bottom to click Next Step to add each of your Dolphin Days aged kids. Save after adding each child.
  • Step 3: Refresh the page to see a New Form for each of your children. Select the session you’d like, E-sign the Release Form and Add to Cart.
  • Step 4: Repeat the last step for EACH your kids. Selecting the days they will attend camp, signing the waiver and Add to Cart.
  • Step 5: Checkout and pay by credit card.

If a session is full, you will have the option to be added to the waitlist and notified as soon as space become available.

If you have any additional questions or difficulty with your registration, please email